85th Congress (1957-1958)
International Communist Propaganda Activities (pp. 1-47)
International Communism- Red China and the Far East (testimony of Chui-Yuan Hu)(pp. 49-63)
Investigation of Communist Propaganda in the United States- Part 4 (Foreign Propaganda- Entry and Dissemination in New Orleans , La. , Area) (pp. 65-118)
Investigation of Communist Activities in the New Orleans , La. , Area (pp. 119-178)
Investigation of Communist Activities in the New Haven , Conn. , Area- Part 3 (pp. 179-250)
Investigation of Communist Propaganda in the United States- Part 5 ( New York City Area) (pp. 251-368)
Investigation of Communist Propaganda in the United States- Part 6 ( New York City Area) (pp. 369-479)
Investigation of Communist Propaganda in the United States- Part 7 ( Chicago , Ill. , Area) (pp. 481-609)
Investigation of Communism in the Metropolitan Music School, Inc., and Related Fields- Part 1 (pp. 611-760)
Investigation of Communism in the Metropolitan Music School, Inc., and Related Fields- Part 2 (pp. 761-890)
Investigation of Communist Activities in the Baltimore, Md., Area- Part 1 (pp. 891-1010)
Investigation of Communist Activities in the Baltimore, Md., Area- Part 2 (pp. 1011-1086)
Hearings Held in San Francisco , Calif.- Part 1 (pp. 1087-1208)
Hearings Held in San Francisco , Calif.- Part 2 (pp. 1209-1343)
Investigation of the Unauthorized Use of United States Passports- Part 5 (pp. 1345-1361)
Investigation of Communist Activities in the Newark , N.J. , Area (Supplemental) (pp. 1363-1375)
Investigation of Communist Penetration of Communications Facilities- Part 1 (pp. 1377-1529)
Investigation of Communist Propaganda in the United States- Part 8 (Buffalo, NY Area) (pp. 1531-1600)
Investigation of Communist Activities in the Buffalo , N.Y. , Area- Part 1 (pp. 1601-1707)
Investigation of Communist Activities in the Buffalo , N.Y. , Area- Part 2 (pp. 1705-1808)
Investigation of Communist Penetration of Communications Facilities- Part 2 (pp. 1809-1833)
Investigation of Soviet Espionage (pp. 1835-1899)
Investigation of Soviet Espionage- Part 2 (pp. 1901-1951)
Investigation of Communist Infiltration and Propaganda Activities in Basic Industry (Gary, Ind., Area) (pp. 1953-2080)
Investigation of Communist Activities in the New England Area- Part 1 (pp. 2081-2171)
Investigation of Communist Activities in the New England Area- Part 2 (pp. 2173-2281)
Investigation of Communist Activities in the New England Area- Part 3 (pp. 2283-2421)
Communist Propaganda- Part 9 (Student Groups, Distributors, and Propagandists) (pp. 2423-2474)
Communism in the New York Area (Entertainment) (pp. 2475-2601)
Communist Infiltration and Activities in the South (pp. 2603-2755)
Communist Infiltration and Activities in Newark , N.J. (pp. 2757-2904)
International Communism- Part 2 (Revolt in the Satellites), Horvath, Kiss
International Communism (Communist Control of Estonia ), August Rei
International Communism (the Communist Mind) Frederick Charles Schwarz
International Communism (Communist Penetration of Malaya and Singapore ) Kuo-Shuen Chang
Who Are They?- Part 1 (Khrushchev and Bulganin)
Who Are They?- Part 2 (Mao Tse-tung and Chou En-lai)
Who Are They?- Part 3 (Zhukov and Konev)
Who Are They?- Part 4 (Ulbricht and Kadar)
Who Are They?- Part 5 (Tito and Gomulka)
Who Are They?- Part 6 (Kim Il Sung and Ho Chi Minh)
Who Are They?- Part 7 (Thorez and Togliatti)
Who Are They?- Part 8 (Lombardo Toledano and Prestes)
Who Are They?- Part 9 (Hoxha and Gheorghiu-Dej)
Communist Political Subversion (The Campaign to Destroy the Security Programs of the United States Government)
International Communism (The Communist Trade Offensive) Marcus Emmet, De Rochefort
The Ideological Fallacies of Communism (Fineberg, Sheen, Poling)
Operation Abolition
International Communism (The Present Posture of the Free World), Constance Brown
International Communism (Espionage), Excerpts of Consultation with Counterspy Boris Morros
International Communism (Communist Designs on Indonesia and the Pacific Frontier), Gen. Charles A. Willoughby)
Annual Report of the Committee on Un-American Activities for the Year 1957
The Erica Wallach Story
The Communist Program for World Conquest (Gen. Albert C. Wedemeyer)
Communist Psychological Warfare (Brainwashing), Edward Hunter
Chronicle of Treason (Reprint of series of articles by Rep. Francis E. Walter, appearing in the Philadelphia Inquirer Sept. 29- Oct. 3, 1957)
Organized Communism in the United States (Revised)(1958)
International Communism (Communist Propaganda Activities in Canada ), Milan Jakubec
Communist Psychological Warfare (Through Control), Constantin W. Boldyreff
International Communism (Communist Encroachment in the Far East ), Maj. Gen. Claire Lee Chennault
What is Behind the Soviet Proposal for a Summit Conference (Dallin, Bouscaren, Atkinson, McNamara)
The Ideology of Freedom versus the Ideology of Communism (Dr. Charles W. Lowry)
Communist Strategy of Protracted Conflict (Strausz-Hupe, Cottrell, Dougherty)
The Irrationality of Communism (Dr. Gerhart Niemeyer)
International Communism in Yugoslavia (The Myth of “Titoism”) Dr. Alex N. Dragnich
Patterns of Communist Espionage
Annual Report of the Committee on Un-American Activities for the Year 1958