"Since we have no choice but to be swept away along by this vast technological surge, we might as well learn to surf."
— Michael E. Soulé, American conservation biologist
Technological advances that have a major impact on our lives are being made at an astonishing rate. Every day great strides are taken on some development that may effect an aspect of your life, whether it be how you get to work, how you cook your food, or the tools your doctor uses to keep you healthy. The more you know about these advances and about technology in general, the better prepared you will be and the more you will appreciate the world around you.
1) Start with an overview for your topic. For example, you can start with an encyclopedia such as Credo Reference or Gale Virtual Reference Library (see list of BPL resources below) to get a basic idea of what your topic is all about.
2) Once you have a general idea of what your topic is about, you can narrow your topic down by subcategory, such as "Engineering" or "Nanotechnology" under "Technology."
3) Search for more information on your topic, using journal article databases, government websites, organization websites, etc. A good place to start is the Science in Context database which includes reference resources, experiments, statistics, magazine and academic journal articles, news articles, maps, multimedia,and external websites.
Different types of information that you can look for include:
For more information on conducting research on a topic, see http://msass.case.edu/harrislibrary/libstudents/steps/ from Case Western Reserve University.
These links provide access to government and other reports, statistics, and current developments for high school and college students as well as anyone interested in engineering, technology and related fields.
American National Standards Institute (ANSI)
Links to index of standards documents, and membership and organizational information
National Science Foundation
Provides access to research, discoveries, and news in engineering and nanoscience.
Google -- Patent search
Offers full-text patent applications and diagrams.
Home improvement projects from the Do-It-Yourself Network
Find projects, how-to's, and experts' advice.
Household Products database
Provides information on health effects of over 4,000 consumer brands from Material Safety Data Sheets (MSDS).
How Everything Works
Resource for "explaining the physics of everyday life."
Consumer Products Inventory
Provides a look at nanotechnology-based consumer products introduced to the market.
National Nanotechnology Initiative (NNI)
Provides information on nanotechnology and nanoscale. Includes news as well as information for K-12 teachers and students.
Safer Products.gov
Search for safety information on different products around your home, including baby products, appliances, and furniture.
Includes research and development, technical reports, journal citations, databases, federal websites, and fact sheets
Scientist's Curiosity Cabinet
Demonstrates devices that portray different principles of science and provides explanations.
U.S. Patent and Trademark Office
Provides information about submitting patent or trademark applications, and searching for patents or trademarks.
The Boston Public Library provides access to indexes and full-text articles through the Electronic Resources page (http://www.bpl.org/electronic/alpha.asp. Many of these resources are available off-site to residents of Massachusetts. Suggested databases are listed below:
Science in Context is an in-depth, curriculum-oriented science database that provides a one-stop resource for all science-related research needs. This resource reflects curriculum trends and focuses on key concepts taught in school classrooms.
Credo Reference is a giant online reference library that provides access to as many as 162 reference books, including encyclopedias, dictionaries, thesauri, books of quotations, as well as a range of subject-specific titles all cross-referenced throughout the collection. Special features include a crossword solver and conversion calculators.
From arts and the humanities to social sciences, science and technology, this database meets research needs across all academic disciplines. Access scholarly journals, magazines, and newspapers with full text and images.
Coverage: 1980-present
Includes more than 90 encyclopedias, plus numerous specialized reference sources covering a diversity of subjects including Arts, Biography, Business, Education, Environment, History, Law, Literature, Medicine, Multicultural Studies, Nation & World, Religion, Science, and Social Science. Some "Junior" sources included as well.
Access to more than 3,100 full-text periodicals, 89 newswire services, and five major American newspaper indexes covering a diverse set of topics.
National Geographic Virtual Library brings the National Geographic Society to the library in a cross-searchable platform that fits the way today's students and patrons conduct their research. With standard library features and functionality common to many Gale resources, National Geographic Virtual Library is a powerful tool for research through the 100+ years of quality publications.
Combining the full archive of Smithsonian Magazine and Air & Space Magazine, this product presents unique and comprehensive insight into history, science, nature, the arts, innovation, technology, and world culture. Available in a fully searchable digital archive, these publications bring depth and expert coverage of high-demand topics.
The catalog for the Boston Public Library is available at http://bpl.bibliocommons.com/.
Suggested subject headings:
For assistance with searching and locating items held by the Boston Public Library and other libraries in the Metro Boston Library Network, see http://help.bibliocommons.com/.
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