"Science enables us to understand our own ignorance and limitations, and so puts us at our ease amid the splendors and mysteries of creation."
Science is all around you -- in the air that you breathe, in the computer you are using, and in the fingers you are using to guide the mouse. Nothing would be possible without the principles of science. It is the knowledge of scientific principles that has allowed humans to grow food and to develop materials and techniques to improve our lives. The more you understand science and its various bodies of knowledge, the better you will be able to understand the world around you and enhance your own well-being as well as the well-being of others.
This guide is intended to be a place to get started in a search for information on different areas of science. The information found from the links is a "jumping off" point to more detailed information about different topics within a field. It is intended for adults who have an interest in the topic in question and those doing in-depth research as well as students of all levels. The page for each category provides links to reference sources, government and other reports, statistics, current developments, news, and other links of interest and utility.
The Kids Page has links to information, activities, and games for the topics covered in the guide. It includes information and resources for science fair projects (K-12).
4000 Years of Women in Science
Focuses primarily on pre-twentieth century women in the science and technology fields and includes a good reference list for further research.
Encyclopedia Smithsonian - Science & Nature
Issued by the Smithsonian Institution, this index provides links to the Smithsonian's sites about science and technology.
National Geographic
Provides information on geography, archaeology, natural science, and the promotion of environmental and historical conservation.
Includes research and development, technical reports, journal citations, databases, federal websites, and fact sheets.
National Science Digital Library (NSDL)
"The Nation's online library of resources for science, technology, engineering, and mathematics education and research."
National Science Foundation (NSF)
Provides access to research, discoveries, and news in a variety of science fields.
World Science Festival
Videos, webcasts and slide shows on many aspects of science.
World Wide Science
Search global science sources, maintained by the Office of Scientific and Technical Information (OSTI).
The Boston Public Library provides access to indexes and full-text articles through the BPL Online Resources page. Many of these resources are available off-site to current residents of Massachusetts with a BPL library card or eCard. Suggested databases are listed below:
Credo Reference is a giant online reference library that provides access to as many as 162 reference books, including encyclopedias, dictionaries, thesauri, books of quotations, as well as a range of subject-specific titles all cross-referenced throughout the collection. Special features include a crossword solver and conversion calculators.
From arts and the humanities to social sciences, science and technology, this database meets research needs across all academic disciplines. Access scholarly journals, magazines, and newspapers with full text and images.
Coverage: 1980-present
Access to more than 3,100 full-text periodicals, 89 newswire services, and five major American newspaper indexes covering a diverse set of topics.
Science in Context is an in-depth, curriculum-oriented science database that provides a one-stop resource for all science-related research needs. This resource reflects curriculum trends and focuses on key concepts taught in school classrooms.
Includes more than 90 encyclopedias, plus numerous specialized reference sources covering a diversity of subjects including Arts, Biography, Business, Education, Environment, History, Law, Literature, Medicine, Multicultural Studies, Nation & World, Religion, Science, and Social Science. Some "Junior" sources included as well.
National Geographic Virtual Library brings the National Geographic Society to the library in a cross-searchable platform that fits the way today's students and patrons conduct their research. With standard library features and functionality common to many Gale resources, National Geographic Virtual Library is a powerful tool for research through the 100+ years of quality publications.
OmniFile Full Text, Select Edition provides one-stop searching of full-text articles in areas that cross disciplines -- ethnic studies, women’s studies, history, and more.
Combining the full archive of Smithsonian Magazine and Air & Space Magazine, this product presents unique and comprehensive insight into history, science, nature, the arts, innovation, technology, and world culture. Available in a fully searchable digital archive, these publications bring depth and expert coverage of high-demand topics.
The catalog for the Boston Public Library is available at http://bpl.bibliocommons.com/.
Suggested subject headings:
For assistance with searching and locating items held by the Boston Public Library and other libraries in the Metro Boston Library Network, see http://help.bibliocommons.com/.
Check out current issues of science-related and other magazines to read on your computer, tablet, or smartphone. Please contact the Boston Public Library for assistance.
With Hoopla, you can borrow free digital video, music, eBooks, and audiobooks. Gain access to thousands of titles available for instant streaming or temporary download, and watch/read/listen on your smartphone, tablet, or computer. A Boston Public Library card and pin are required.
Choose from hundreds of digital titles available to download to your devices.
Note: Additional software may be required to borrow OverDrive titles. Please visit OverDrive Help to learn the basics and get any software that you may need.