On this page you will find a link to the Library's remote access policy, followed by descriptions of the newspaper databases to which the library subscribes.
Partnering with the American Antiquarian Society (AAS), EBSCO provides digital access to a comprehensive collection of American periodicals published between 1684 and 1912 in fifty subject-based thematic subsets.
American Indian Newspapers is a collection of newspapers, ranging from historic pressings to contemporary periodicals, which together explore nearly 200 years of Indigenous print journalism from the US and Canada.
AP Newsroom is a research tool that allows you to search databases of photographs, audio, graphics, and text spanning over 160 years of history. The content is primary source, and is provided by The Associated Press®. From simple keyword searching to more complex searches such as concept, color, and category, you can access over 4.6 million photographs dating back to 1826 and as current as a few moments ago. Tens of thousands of graphics, more than 4,500 hours of audio files dating from the 1920’s, and news stories and headlines dating from 1997 will be at your fingertips.
From arts and the humanities to social sciences, science and technology, this database meets research needs across all academic disciplines. Access scholarly journals, magazines, and newspapers with full text and images.
Coverage: 1980-present
Access to more than 3,100 full-text periodicals, 89 newswire services, and five major American newspaper indexes covering a diverse set of topics.
The International Herald Tribune Historical Archive (1887-2013) features the complete archive of the International Herald Tribune from its origins as the European Edition of The New York Herald and later the European Edition of the New York Herald Tribune. The archive ends with the last issue of the International Herald Tribune before its relaunch as the International New York Times.
The Historical Jewish Advocate collection offers both full page and article digital images in PDF format with searchable full text.
MyHeritage Library Edition is one of the largest, most internationally diverse genealogy databases of its kind. It provides access to billions of historical documents, millions of historical photos, and other resources in thousands of databases that span the past five centuries.
Searchable full-page reproductions of historical newspapers, some of which were made from the collections of the Boston Public Library. Boston coverage includes: Boston Globe (morning and evening editions), 1872-1922; Boston Post, 1831-1922. Also includes historical newspapers published in these states: Massachusetts, Connecticut, Delaware, Maine, D.C., New Hampshire, New Jersey, Rhode Island, and Vermont.
The Boston Public Library is no longer able to provide access to the following electronic resources through NewsBank: America’s Historical Imprints; America’s Historical Newspapers; American Broadsides and Ephemera; American State Papers; Archive of Americana; Early American Imprints (Evans & Shaw-Shoemaker); US Congressional Serial Set.