Genealogy is a journey of self-discovery that can teach you as much about yourself as about those who came before you. But what holds many of us back from unearthing our family history is uncertainty about how to go about it. Discover which resources you should use and trust, how you should make your way through tangles of public records, and so much more.
This section covers free resources available at libraries and other institutions, as well as helpful free websites. It doesn't cover database services such as GenealogyBank, which charge individual subscribers for access.
Below is a list of some BPL databases and their means of access, followed by a description each of the databases and of two online names dictionaries, the Dictionary of American Family Names, and the Dictionary of Family Names in Britain and Ireland.
Contains many databases of public records and other online reference material to aid those researching genealogical information in the New England region.
Only available in Central Library.
No remote access.
Provided by ProQuest and, this genealogical collection covers U.S. and the U.K. census, vital, church, court, and immigration records, as well as record collections from Canada and other areas. It contains more than 4,000 databases, 1.5 billion names, as well as over 1,000 historical maps. Coverage:1300-present
No remote access.
ArchiveGrid includes over three million records describing archival materials, bringing together information about historical documents, personal papers, family histories, and more. With over 1,000 different archival institutions represented, ArchiveGrid helps researchers looking for primary source materials held in archives, libraries, museums and historical societies.
HeritageQuest Online is the marriage of ProQuest's Genealogy & Local History Online, a collection of over 25,000 family and local histories, and genealogical-data content from HeritageQuest, such as the complete set of U.S. Federal Census Records, 1790-1930.
MyHeritage Library Edition is one of the largest, most internationally diverse genealogy databases of its kind. It provides access to billions of historical documents, millions of historical photos, and other resources in thousands of databases that span the past five centuries.
There are several types of websites for family history research. Some, like and FindMyPast, serve a purpose similar to online databases--they organize many types of records into searchable collections.
Other websites, such as Cyndi's List, are portals which guide you to information available elsewhere on the web.
Another category includes such sites as Internet Archive and Hathitrust, which are repositories of published histories and genealogies (but which don't contain vital records or other genealogical resources).
Historical societies, libraries, archives, and other institutions have useful information and some records on their sites. These are covered in other parts of this guide.
The following online resources that provide access to material held by the BPL are freely available to all online:
The below are just a few other websites useful for genealogy research: