As the principal group of military advisers to the President of the United States, the Joint Chiefs of Staff (JCS) is the most important body of military leaders in the world. While papers and reports of the JCS were previously among the most closely guarded secrets of the government, the JCS has opened millions of pages of those documents to researchers. Operational reports, research and development studies, intelligence estimates, contingency combat plans, and policy studies of friends and foes: these are just a few of the areas covered in Records of the Joint Chiefs of Staff.
Rich in facts and details that were once out of reach for scholars, these documents give a firsthand account of the innermost workings of the top level military and diplomatic planning in the government. (Publisher's Description).
from WWII Posters, Reel 1, Call no.: D743.25.U5 1978x
Part 1 focuses upon World War II. The operational histories of the campaigns of the war contain records on logistics, strategic deployment, military planning, assault procedures, intelligence information, and official reports. For the operations of SHAEF (Supreme Headquarters of the Allied Expeditionary Forces), Part 1 collects the orders, plans, and reports, as well as the dispatches of the commanders of the various operations. Also published are the Basic Strategic Plans for War, which formed the foundation of Allied military actions.