Rare Books and Manuscripts Dept.
Boston Public Library
Boylston St. Building, 3rd Floor
700 Boylston St.
Boston, Massachusetts 02116
Contact info
Rare Books Department website
BPL is actively building its collections of early books and manuscripts, including the incunabula collection. Acquisitions are made through both purchases and gifts.
Though we seek to acquire materials relevant to all areas of the collection, the following criteria represent our current purchasing priorities.
General priorities
Specific priorities
Image: BPL Q.406.29. Copy of a rare, 1493 Rome edition of Niccolo Perroti's Rudimenta grammatices -- a Latin grammar interspersed with Italian idioms and heavily annotated by a contemporary reader. Purchased in 2020.
Click any image in the gallery below to see details. Additional images, as well as higher resolution versions of all images in the gallery are available on request.