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It's a good idea to research companies that your business will compete with and include this research in your business plan. By finding differences in your products/services you can explain why your business is unique.
Look for companies that have similar business descriptions and industry classifications. Try to compare their financials, their service and product lines, and the geographic areas they serve, to give you better idea of how your business stacks up.
Resources at the Boston Public Library can also help you learn about your competitor's company history, ownership, intellectual property, and news.
On the Web: There are a number of web resources you can use to help you pinpoint your competition. You can start with a general search in your favorite search engine. You can also try review sites such as Yelp.
With your Library Card: From your home or office you can use these library resources to generate a list of competitors with their locations.
AtoZdatabases is a leading job search, reference & mailing list database including 30 million business profiles & 240 million residents. Ideal for sales leads mailing lists, market research, employment opportunities, finding friends and relatives, and more.
On the Web: Look at your competitors websites and social media to see how they talk about themselves. Look at how your competitors and customers interact. Also perform a search in your favorite search engine for news concerning you competitors.
With Your Library Card: From your home or office you can access these databases and search for you competition.
Provides full-text articles for staff-written news items, feature stories, columns, and editorials for the Boston Globe. Coverage: 1980-present
Access to more than 3,100 full-text periodicals, 89 newswire services, and five major American newspaper indexes covering a diverse set of topics.