Paying for school can be difficult. Make sure that you investigate all of your options before going back to school. It's a good idea to chat with the Financial Aid Office at your school to see if you qualify for any funding.
Reimbursement--Some employers will give full or partial reimbursement for schooling. Check with your HR department.
Scholarships/Grants--Check popular scholarship websites for potential funding opportunities. High GMAT scores might also help you qualify for scholarship or grant funding. Your employer or a professional organization may have scholarship or grant opportunities too.
Fellowships--These are a great option for full-time students and could lead to many research and publishing opportunities. Depending on the school, the fellowship could cover all or part of tuition.
Loans--Scholarships may only cover tuition but not living expenses if you are a full-time student. Part time student's employer's may have a cap on reimbursement.
Out of pocket--It's possible that some or all of your tuition or living expanses can't be covered by these other options.
The ASA's Boston College Planning Center is located on the lower level of the Boylston Street Building of the Central Library. For current hours and more information, visit the ASA's website.
This database of more than 6,500 foundation and public charity programs that fund students, artists, researchers, and other individual grantseekers is the only online resource devoted exclusively to foundations that fund individuals. Find sources for scholarships, fellowships, grants, awards, and other financial support here.
Only available in the Central Library.
No remote access.
Fastweb is an online resource for paying and preparing for college. Since 1995, they have provided students with the resources to realize their educational pursuits. Create a free account to search for opportunities.