Blender’s default Screen Layout with five editors.
Info (blue), 3D View (yellow), Outliner (red), Properties (green) and Timeline (purple).
Selected Keyboard Shortcuts
- Command+Z-Undo (Ctrl+Z on Windows)
- A-Select all/Deselect All
- B-Block Select; Draw a box around the objects using left mouse button
- C-Circle select; Select with left mouse button; use the scroll wheel to change size of circle
- Tab-Toggle between Edit mode and Object mode
- E-Extrude
- S-Scale; Hint: tap X, Y, or Z if you want to constrain axis
- R-Rotate; Hint: tap X, Y, or Z if you want to constrain axis
- Ctrl+Tab Toggle between Vertex, Edge, and Face mode
- X-Del (num pad del on keyboards with number pads)
- Shift+Right click select more than one object. Hint: Selection order matters. The last object selected will have the lightest halo.
- Shift+Option(alt)+Right Click Selects Edge Loops.
Basic Mouse Navigation Commands
A three button mouse is best to get the most out of Blender. If you don’t have that kind of mouse you can find a 3 button mouse emulator in the settings.
- Press Scroll Wheel—Orbit Move through the environment in 3d
- Roll scroll Wheel—Zoom in and out
- Right mouse button—Select objects
- Left mouse button—Move 3d cursor
- Shift+Press scroll wheel—Pan; move the environment in 2d.