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World Language Learning: Mango Language Learning Program

A guide to resources at the Boston Public Library and online that can help you learn another language.

What Language Do You Want to Learn?

Arabic: 22 votes (3.02%)
Chinese: 110 votes (15.11%)
French: 72 votes (9.89%)
German: 34 votes (4.67%)
Hindi: 14 votes (1.92%)
Italian: 40 votes (5.49%)
Portuguese: 31 votes (4.26%)
Russian: 57 votes (7.83%)
Spanish: 195 votes (26.79%)
Other: 153 votes (21.02%)
Total Votes: 728

Mango Language Learning Program

Watch this video to see the Mango Languages program in action and learn how it works to help you become conversational in your target language.

Check out this video to learn about some of the second language-acquisition theories behind the Mango Languages program.