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Managing your Money for Beginners

Resources for learning how to manage your money to fulfill your goals

Following a Budget

Too many people spend money they buy things they don't impress people that they don't like.

–Will Rogers

Notice we say "following" a budget.  It's not good enough to just create one but you have to commit to maintaining it. 

You don't just make a budget once and forget about it. You need to review, revise and maintain your budget regularly.

To get started building a budget, write out your:

  • Monthly Income -- look at your take home pay on your paycheck
  • Necessary expenses -- ie rent, groceries, car payment, student loan debt.
    • You can include putting money savings in this category! Think of it as paying yourself. Some folks might not have the means to save right away and that's okay. Do what makes sense for you. 
  • Discretionary expenses -- restaurants, movies, streaming services, that coffee you buy every morning, etc. 

If you have more income than expenses you can put that extra money into your savings or put extra money towards debts. If you have less income than your expenses, it's time to look for ways to cut back on your expenses.

Titles I can borrow from home!