New! Now includes the Job & Career Accelerator to help you achieve your career goals, and the Computer Skills Center to learn popular software and computer basics.
This site provides test-preparation materials and interactive practice exams for all ages. In addition to subject-based resources for students from grade school through college, LearningExpress offers practice exams for adults. Based on official tests, they help job-seekers improve their scores on civil service, military, professional licensing, and certification exams. This resource offers immediate scoring with complete answer explanations and individualized analysis of scores. This resource requires you to create a free individual account.
LinkedIn Learning offers 16,000 video courses in business, software, technology, and creative skills, taught by recognized industry experts. Courses are offered in English, French, German, Japanese, Spanish, Mandarin, and Portuguese.
NOTE: When users complete a course using LinkedIn Learning, they have the option to print out a certificate of completion. Currently, user names are not included on these certificates like they were before we migrated from The change was unexpected for us, so we're hoping LinkedIn Learning will find a solution. Currently however, names cannot be included on certificates offered through LinkedIn Learning for Libraries.
To use our free collection of LinkedIn Learning courses, do not visit LinkedIn Learning directly. Always follow links from to access our subscription portal.