James Wallace Black
Boston, as the Eagle and the Wild Goose See It (1860)
Leo Tierney
Dick Gregory at press conference at Northeastern University (1968)
Maker once known
Effie Ellsler
Frank A. Rinehart
Bartelda, Apache (ca. 1899)
Osheen Harruthoonyan
Black Garden
Boston Public Library has a collection of over one million photographic images dating from the mid-19th century to the present day. The collection is largely documentary, representing the visual history of Boston, New England, the United States, and beyond, but it also represents an encyclopedic history of photography and the various ways photographers recorded images on paper, metal, glass, and film.
The collection was assembled to be shared freely with scholars, enthusiasts, artists, and anyone interested in viewing their world through a different lens and to learn about our shared history.
BPL Photography Collections
Images of Boston
In the 1970s, the Boston Public Library initiated a project to pull together photographs, prints, and drawings of the City of Boston into one comprehensive collection. The result was the creation of the Boston Pictorial Archive, one of the largest public collections of images of Boston, documenting the visual history of Boston from the Colonial period through the 20th century.
An important resource for users interested in many facets of Boston history, including architectural, social, business, institutional, and a fun browse for anyone interested in how their city, neighborhood, or block has changed over the years.
Boston Press Photography
Starting with the acquisition of a collection of more than 37,000 negatives by Boston Herald-Traveler staff photographer Leslie Jones, BPL amassed a collection of the work of both staff and contributing photographers for many of the major daily newspapers in Boston. In addition to Jones' work, BPL holds the collection of Boston Globe staff photographer Edmunds E. Bond, freelance photographer Spencer Grant, freelance photographer Richard Merrill, and press photographer Rocco "Rocky" Paoletta.
Other holdings include the Brearley Collection, a selection of negatives by local press photographers, mostly from the Boston Record-American, assembled by photojournalist Dennis Brearley. The crowning glory of the press photography collection is the Boston-Herald-Traveler Photo Morgue, approximately one million photographs representing the visual history of the region, the country, and the world.
Users interested in the history of journalism, the history of photography, and history of Greater Boston, will find a rich and layered visual record to explore, whether their interests are in sports, politics, the protests and demonstrations, or all of the above.
Photographic Formats
BPL has significant holdings of popular photographic formats including cased photographs, daguerreotypes, ambrotypes and tintypes, cartes de visite, a popular 19th-century format, and stereographs, two dimensional images that can be viewed in three dimensions using viewers that simulate binocular vision. Other photographic formats include lantern slides, cabinet cards, panoramic photographs, and real photo postcards.
The history of photography is in large part a history of technological innovation and advancement, an unending search for how to create the perfect image. Those interested in the history of photography, the science of optics, the art of image making, and consumer and social history will find value in the study of photographic formats.
Contemporary Boston Photographers
In 1970, BPL initiated a program to collect the work of artists with ties to Boston, including the work of local photographers. The intent was to create a representative archive of work from up-and-coming and established artists in the community, and to support those artists by purchasing their work and providing an exhibition venue outside the commercial gallery system.
The photographers in the collection made images to express themselves, to communicate their unique vision of the world, and to explore the communities and causes that inspired or disturbed them. Users interested in the history of photography, art history in general, and the history of the community of artists in Greater Boston will find great value in exploring this collection.
Photographs of the American West
BPL has a major collection of 19th-century photographs of the American West. The collection includes A.J. Russell’s Great West Illustrated, photographs of the Yosemite Valley by Carleton Watkins, Alexander Gardner’s Across the Continent on the Kansas Pacific Railroad, Timothy O’Sullivan and William Bell’s photographs for the Wheeler Survey, photographs by William Henry Jackson, and portrait photographs of Native Americans by Frank A. Rinehart in his commission for the Trans-Mississippi International Exposition in 1898.
This collection is relevant to patrons interested in the history and culture of indigenous peoples in the American West, America’s expansion into the territories, manifest destiny and its depredations and displacement of the original inhabitants, and the history of the land, its beauty and its resources, the expansion of the railroad, and the creation of the national parks system.
People, Place, and Things
For the majority of the Library's collecting history, photographs were selected for their content and subject matter, as opposed to their format. While the Arts Department cannot claim to have photographs of every object, person, or location that has existed in the history of the universe, it is fair to say that our ultimate ambition is to do just that. If you do not find what you are looking for in Digital Commonwealth, please e-mail specialcollections@bpl.org.
Along the Elevated: Photographs of the Orange Line
A photographic project managed by UrbanArts, Inc., working with the MBTA to document the elevated Orange Line before its demolition in 1987.
Eadweard Muybridge’s Animal Locomotion
Pioneering project in the use of stop-action photography to record the movements of humans and other animals photographed by Muybridge, an important 19th century photographer, taken between 1872 to 1885. This project advanced the technology of high-speed photography and helped lay the foundation for invention of moving pictures and cinema.
Michael T. “Nuff Ced” McGreevy Collection
Photographs of early professional baseball history, assembled by saloon owner Michael T. McGreevy. McGreevy’s Third Base saloon in the Roxbury Crossing neighborhood was one of the first sports bars in American.
Tupper Scrapbook Collection
Assembled by William Vaughn Tupper, a financier from Brooklyn, NY, from 1891-1894, from photographs he purchased while on the Grand Tour of Europe, Eqypt, and the Holy Lan
Other BPL Photography Resources
Step 1: Search Digital Commonwealth
Photographs and other BPL Special Collections that have been digitized t are available to view through the Arts Department database above, or in our image repository Digital Commonwealth which is linked to it. Downloads of many high-resolution files are available directly from the site, including basic information and copyright information.
Step 2: Search Polaris, BPL's online catalog.
Step 3: E-mail specialcollections@bpl.org for further information.
Viewing BPL Arts Resources
Everyone is welcome to use our collections in our reading room. In order to best get our collections ready for your use, research appointments are required.
Step 1. To make a research appointment, log into or create a reading room account at readingroom.bpl.org, opens a new window and select “New Requests.”
Step 2. Within your Reading Room account, find the department that holds the material (Arts). If unsure, use any request form on the New Request page and staff will route your request to the correct department.
Step 3. Fill out the linked request form with as much information as you have. Skip any fields you don’t know or enter ‘unknown.’
Step 4. At the bottom of the request form, use the "New Appointment" button to schedule your visit.
Step 5. Look for confirmation that the item(s) you requested are available on the day you picked. Some material needs work from our staff to get them ready for use, which may cause a delay.