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Remote Resources for Families and Youth: At-Home Crafts and Online Games

A guide on online resources available for families and youth.

At-Home Crafts and Online Games

On this page you'll find YouTube playlists with craft and movement activities, online games, yoga and dance videos, and websites full of ideas for different indoor activities at home.

Craft and Activity Playlists

Crafts from BPL Librarians

Read Alouds and Draw Alongs

"This is a Youtube Channel created and run by middle grade author Susan Tan, and made possible by an amazing community of children's book writers and illustrators...On this channel, you'll find workshops, readings, activities, art projects, writing games, writing advice, and more."

Author and Illustrator of books like Lunch Lady or Hey Kiddo, J.J. Krosoczka is sharing his writing and drawing know-how every day on a YouTube Livestream. Watch his videos live or check out the playlist of videos he's saved!

Read Along, Draw Along, or both! Author and illustrator Helene Boudreau has shared her free chapter book Mason and the Mega-Nauts with you. You can read a pdf of the book or draw illustrations for it with the comic panel template she provides!

"Mo Willems invites YOU into his studio every day for his LUNCH DOODLE. Learners worldwide can draw, doodle and explore new ways of writing by visiting Mo’s studio virtually once a day for the next few weeks. Grab some paper and pencils, pens, or crayons and join Mo to explore ways of writing and making together."

Looking for drawing ideas and activities? Check out the Bean Doodling Workshop! Artist and educator Cara Bean is posting short daily doodling videos on her YouTube channel to promote creativity in children.

Craft and Activity Resources

Mini Movers Studio is an on-location dance studio dedicated to inspiring movement and fun for children between the ages of 2 and 10. Check out their YouTube page for free dance and movement classes!

This webpage links to game lists, craft instructions, and educational activities that caregivers can lead or create indoors. 

Follow along with Jaime as she leads kids through yoga, mindfulness, and relaxation sessions on YouTube. This videos are especially geared towards kids 3+.

This website has dozens of articles on different outdoor activities, screen-free games, learning resources, and more!

Babble Dabble Do's crafts, experiments, and resources focus on S.T.E.A.M. topics (science, technology, engineering, art, and math). Many of their inventive projects are easy to create at home with basic supplies.

BOKS is an afterschool program here in Boston and while they're closed, they're providing free downloadable activity packs with different exercises and games for kids. 

Massachusetts author/illustrator David Hyde Costello is sharing the process of making a table-top puppet show on the Palmer Public Library's YouTube Channel. Check out this video to learn more!

Free Online Games for Teens

Choose from over 170 board games to play online for free! Play on your computer, tablet, or phone.

Play mah-jong, hidden item games, and more for free on the Pogo Games website.

Dominion is a deck-building card game, similar to Magic: The Gathering. Register an account and play it online with friends!

Playing Cards is a virtual tabletop site with multiple card games ready to play online with friends.

Runescape is a classic, free-to-play MMORPG (Massive Multiplayer Online Roleplaying Game). Long before World of Warcraft, Minecraft, or Fortnite were created, Runescape was the most popular free MMORPG. Play the game to see why!

Missing out on your face-to-face RPG sessions with friends? Try Roll20, a free virtual tabletop platform that lets you create and run games and has cool mechanicals like map makers and dice rollers.

Any GMs or DMs on a budget should look no further than the free Dungeons & Dragons content that Wizards of the Coast is adding to their website every day. Keep an eye out for new quests and content from past publications.